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Monday, April 7, 2008

What Is AJAX

In February 2005, Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path, LLC published an online article entitled, “Ajax:

A New Approach to Web Applications” (still available at

essays/archives/000385.php). In this essay, Garrett explained how he believed web applications were closing the gap between the Web and traditional desktop applications. He cited new technologies and several of the Google projects as examples of how traditionally desktop-based user interaction models were now being used on the Web. Then came the two sentences that would ignite a firestorm of interest, excitement, and controversy:

Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at

Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML,

and it represents a fundamental shift in what’s possible on the Web.

From that point forward, a tidal wave of Ajax articles, code samples, and debates began popping up all over the Web. Developers blogged about it, technology magazines wrote about it, and companies began hitching their products to it. But to understand what Ajax is, you first must understand how the evolution of several web technologies led to its development.

Despite the frequently asked questions attached to the end of Garrett’s essay, some confusion still exists as to what Ajax really is. Put simply, Ajax is nothing more than an approach to web interaction. This approach involves transmitting only a small amount of information to and from the server in order to give the user the most responsive experience possible. Instead of the traditional web application model where the browser itself is responsible for initiating requests to, and processing requests from, the web server, the Ajax model provides an intermediate layer—what Garrett calls an Ajax engine—to handle this communication. An Ajax engine is really just a JavaScript object or function that is called whenever information needs to be requested from the server. Instead of the traditional model of providing a link to another resource (such as another web page), each link makes a call to the Ajax engine, which schedules and executes the request. The request is done asynchronously, meaning that code execution doesn’t wait for a response before continuing. The server—which traditionally would serve up HTML, images, CSS, or JavaScript—is configured to return data that the Ajax engine can use. This data can be plain text, XML, or any other data format that you may need. The only requirement is that the Ajax engine can understand and interpret the data When the Ajax engine receives the server response, it goes into action, often parsing the data and making several changes to the user interface based on the information it was provided. Because this process involves transferring less information than the traditional web application model, user interface updates are faster, and the user is able to do his or her work more quickly.

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