Nice Web2.0 icon click in here
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Using DataSource Controls
The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework includes the following five DataSource controls:
- SqlDataSource Represents data retrieved from a SQL relational database, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2.
- AccessDataSource Represents data retrieved from a Microsoft Access database.
- ObjectDataSource Represents data retrieved from a business object.
- XmlDataSource Represents data retrieved from an XML document.
- SiteMapDataSource Represents data retrieved from a Site Map Provider. A Site Map Provider represents the page and folder structure of a website.
A DataBound control is associated with a particular data source control through its DataSourceID property
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
DataBound Controls
You use DataBound controls to generate your application's user interface for working with data. The DataBound controls can be used to display and edit database data, XML data, or just about any other type of data you can imagine.
There are three main types of DataBound controls: list controls, tabular DataBound controls, and hierarchical DataBound controls.
List Controls
List controls are used to display simple option lists. The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework includes the following five list controls:
BulletedList Displays a bulleted list of items. Each item can be displayed as text, a link button, or a hyperlink
CheckBoxList Displays a list of check boxes. Multiple check boxes in the list can be selected.
DropDownList Displays a drop-down list. Only one item in the drop-down list can be selected.
ListBox Displays a list box. You can configure this control so that only one item in the list can be selected or multiple items can be selected.
RadioButtonList Displays a list of radio buttons. Only one radio button can be selected.
Tabular DataBound Controls
The tabular DataBound controls are the main set of controls that you use when working with database data. These controls enable you to display and, in some cases, modify data retrieved from a database or other type of data source.
There are five tabular DataBound controls. These controls can be divided into two types: those that display multiple data items at a time and those that display a single data item at a time.
For display multiple data items at a time are :
GridView Displays a set of data items in an HTML table. For example, you can use the GridView control to display all the records contained in the Movies database table. This control enables you to display, sort, page, select, and edit data.
DataList Displays a set of data items in an HTML table. Unlike the GridView control, more than one data item can be displayed in a single row.
Repeater Displays a set of data items using a template. Unlike the GridView and DataList controls, a Repeater control does not automatically render an HTML table.
DetailsView Displays a single data item in an HTML table. For example, you can use the DetailsView control to display a single record from the Movies database table. This control enables you to display, page, edit, and add data.
FormView Uses a template to display a single data item. Unlike the DetailsView, a FormView enables you to use to layout a form by using templates.
Hierarchical DataBound Controls
A hierarchical DataBound control can be used to display nested data items. For example, you can use hierarchical DataBound controls to display the folder and page structure of your website, the contents of an XML file, or a set of master/detail database records.
The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework includes two hierarchical DataBound controls:
Menu Displays data items in a static or dynamic menu.
TReeView Displays data items in a tree.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
J2ME Introduction
Java ME technology was originally created in order to deal with the constraints associated with building applications for small devices. For this purpose Sun defined the basics for Java ME technology to fit such a limited environment and make it possible to create Java applications running on small devices with limited memory, display and power capacity.
Java ME platform is a collection of technologies and specifications that can be combined to construct a complete Java runtime environment specifically to fit the requirements of a particular device or market. This offers a flexibility and co-existence for all the players in the eco-system to seamlessly cooperate to offer the most appealing experience for the end-user.
The Java ME technology is based on three elements;
- a configuration provides the most basic set of libraries and virtual machine capabilities for a broad range of devices,
- a profile is a set of APIs that support a narrower range of devices, and
- an optional package is a set of technology-specific APIs.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Web for AJAX Project
Walking Disaster By Sum41
I haven't been home for a while
I'm sure everything's the same
Mom and Dad both in denial
And only jokes to take the blame
Sorry, Mom, but I don't miss you
Father's no name you deserve
I'm just a kid with no ambitions
Wouldn't come home for the world
Never know what I've become
The king of all that's said and done
The forgotten son
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
(You regret you made me
It's too late to save me)
As far as I can tell
It's just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself?
'Cause I don't know what I just said
(And she said)
As far as where I fell
Maybe I'm better off dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Is this as good as it gets?
As I fall...
At the dead-end I begin
To burn a bridge of innocence
Satisfaction guaranteed
A pillow-weight catastrophe
Our own mission nowhere bound
Inhibitions underground
A shallow grave I
Have dug all by myself
And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
(You regret you made me
It's too late to save me)
As far as I can tell
It's just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself?
'Cause I don't know what I just said
(And she said)
As far as where I fell
Maybe I'm better off dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Is this as good as it gets?
And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
(To save me, to save me, to save me, ...)
To save me, to save me, to save me, to save me
And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
I will be home in a while
You don't have to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world
I will be home in a while
You don't have to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Advantages of AJAX
The advantages of Ajax over classical web based applications are:
Ajax allows for the ability to make asynchronous calls to a web server. This allows the client browser to avoid waiting for all data to arrive before allowing the user to act once more.
Minimal data transfer
By not performing a full postback and sending all form data to the server, the network utilization is minimized and quicker operations occur. In sites and locations with restricted pipes for data transfer, this can greatly improve network performance.
Limited processing on the server
With the fact that only the necessary data is sent to the server, the server is not required to process all form elements. By sending only the necessary data, there is limited processing on the server. There is no need to process all form elements,process the viewstate, send images back to the client, and no need to send a full page back to the client.
Because Ajax applications are asynchronous on the client, they are perceived to be very responsive.
With a full postback, the user may lose the context of where they are. The user may be at the bottom of a page, hit the Submit button, and be redirected back to the top of the page. With Ajax there is no full postback. Clicking the Submit button in an application that uses Ajax will allow the user to maintain their location. The user state is maintained, and the user is no longer required to scroll down to the location that he or she was at before clicking Submit.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Typical design of web 2.0
The list below is a summary of many of the common features of typical "Web 2.0" sites.
Clearly, a site doesn't need to exhibit all these features to work well, and displaying these features doesn't make a design "2.0" - or good!
I've already addressed some of these factors in my introductory Current Style article.
- Simplicity
- Central layout
- Fewer columns
- Separate top section
- Solid areas of screen real-estate
- Simple nav
- Bold logos
- Bigger text
- Bold text introductions
- Strong colours
- Rich surfaces
- Gradients
- Reflections
- Cute icons
- Star flashes
For complete article click here
Little about CSS
complete article check here
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What is web 2.0
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Internet Explorer implements XMLHttpRequest as an ActiveX object, and other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and Opera implement it as a native JavaScript object.
Regestering Master Page in Web Configuration
We can apply master page to every content in our web application, Rather than add a MasterPageFile attribute to individual content pages, you can add a configuration option to the web configuration file.
How to :
1.Create a new folder within your application.
2.Create the master page your application will be using.
3.Place all pages that will be using the master page in the folder.
4.Create a web.config file that contains a
Monday, April 7, 2008
Themes in
An ASP.NET Theme enables you to apply a consistent style to the pages in your website. You can use a Theme to control the appearance of both the HTML elements and ASP.NET controls that appear in a page.
Themes are different than Master Pages. A Master Page enables you to share content across multiple pages in a website. A Theme, on the other hand, enables you to control the appearance of the content.
Create a theme as follows:
Create an App_Themes folder in the root of your application.
Create a folder with the name you want to use for the theme in the App_Themes folder.
Create a .skin file in the folder created above containing a definition for each server control you use in your application with the attributes that define its appearance set the way you want the control to look.
(Optionally) Create a .css file in the folder created above to use with your .skin file.
(Optionally) Add any images to the folder created above or to a subfolder as desired.
In the .aspx file for pages in your application set the Theme attribute of the @ Page directive to the name of the theme you want to use for the page.
Master Page in
A Master Page enables you to share the same content among multiple content pages in a website. You can use a Master Page to create a common page layout. For example, if you want all the pages in your website to share a three-column layout, you can create the layout once in a Master Page and apply the layout to multiple content pages.
You also can use Master Pages to display common content in multiple pages. For example, if you want to display a standard header and footer in each page in your website, then you can create the standard header and footer in a Master Page.
By taking advantage of Master Pages, you can make your website easier to maintain, extend, and modify. If you need to add a new page to your website that looks just like the other pages in your website, then you simply need to apply the same Master Page to the new content page. If you decide to completely modify the design of your website, you do not need to change every content page. You can modify just a single Master Page to dramatically change the appearance of all the pages in your application.
create a new master page by following these steps:
Select your web site in the Solution Explorer.
Right-click and select Add New Item from the context menu.
Select Master Page from the Add New Item dialog.
In the .master file of the master page:
Add the HTML that is common for your application pages.
Add an asp:ContentPlaceHolder control for each portion of the page that will have page-specific content.
Set the ID attribute to a unique identifier.
In the .aspx file:
Set the MasterPageFile attribute of the @Page directive to the name of the .master file.
Add an asp:Content control for each asp:ContentPlaceHolder control in the .master file.
Set the ContentPlaceHolderID attribute of the asp:Content to the ID of the corresponding asp:ContentPlaceHolder in the .master file.
Add the page-specific content to the asp:Content controls.
Advantages of web application
Web applications are easy and inexpensive to deliver. With web applications, a company can reduce the costs of the IT department that is in charge of installing the software on the users' machines. With web applications, all that users need is a computer with a working web browser and an Internet or intranet connection.
Web applications are easy and inexpensive to upgrade. Maintenance costs for software have always been significant. Because upgrading an existing piece of software is similar to installing a new one, the web applications' advantages mentioned above apply here as well. As soon as the application on the server machine is upgraded, everyone gets the new version.
Web applications have flexible requirements for the end users. Just have your web application installed on a server—any modern operating system will do—and you'll be able to use it over the Internet/Intranet on any Mac, Windows, or Linux machine and so on. If the application is properly built, it will run equally well on any modern web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
Web applications make it easier to have a central data store. When you have several locations that need access to the same data, having all that data stored in one place is much easier than having separate databases in each location. This way you avoid potential data synchronization operations and lower security risks.
Ajax Principles
1. Minimal traffic: Ajax applications should send and receive as little information as possible to and from the server. In short, Ajax can minimize the amount of traffic between the client and the server. Making sure that your Ajax application doesn’t send and receive unnecessary information adds to its robustness.
2. No surprises: Ajax applications typically introduce different user interaction models than traditional web applications. As opposed to the web standard of click-and-wait, some Ajax applications use other user interface paradigms such as drag-and-drop or double-clicking. No matter what user interaction model you choose, be consistent so that the user knows what to do next.
3. Established conventions: Don’t waste time inventing new user interaction models that your users will be unfamiliar with. Borrow heavily from traditional web applications and desktop applications, so there is a minimal learning curve.
4. No distractions: Avoid unnecessary and distracting page elements such as looping animations and blinking page sections. Such gimmicks distract the user from what he or she is trying to accomplish.
5. Accessibility: Consider who your primary and secondary users will be and how they most likely will access your Ajax application. Don’t program yourself into a corner so that an unexpected new audience will be completely locked out. Will your users be using older browsers or special software? Make sure you know ahead of time and plan for it.
6. Avoid entire page downloads: All server communication after the initial page download should be managed by the Ajax engine. Don’t ruin the user experience by downloading small amounts of data in one place but reloading the entire page in others.
7. User first: Design the Ajax application with the users in mind before anything else. Try to make the common use cases easy to accomplish and don’t be caught up with how you’re going to fit in advertising or cool effects. The common thread in all these principles is usability. Ajax is, primarily, about enhancing the web experience for your users; the technology behind it is merely a means to that end. By adhering to the preceding principles, you can be reasonably assured that your Ajax application will be useful and usable.
What Is AJAX
In February 2005, Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path, LLC published an online article entitled, “Ajax:
A New Approach to Web Applications” (still available at
essays/archives/000385.php). In this essay, Garrett explained how he believed web applications were closing the gap between the Web and traditional desktop applications. He cited new technologies and several of the Google projects as examples of how traditionally desktop-based user interaction models were now being used on the Web. Then came the two sentences that would ignite a firestorm of interest, excitement, and controversy:
Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at
Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML,
and it represents a fundamental shift in what’s possible on the Web.
From that point forward, a tidal wave of Ajax articles, code samples, and debates began popping up all over the Web. Developers blogged about it, technology magazines wrote about it, and companies began hitching their products to it. But to understand what Ajax is, you first must understand how the evolution of several web technologies led to its development.
Despite the frequently asked questions attached to the end of Garrett’s essay, some confusion still exists as to what Ajax really is. Put simply, Ajax is nothing more than an approach to web interaction. This approach involves transmitting only a small amount of information to and from the server in order to give the user the most responsive experience possible. Instead of the traditional web application model where the browser itself is responsible for initiating requests to, and processing requests from, the web server, the Ajax model provides an intermediate layer—what Garrett calls an Ajax engine—to handle this communication. An Ajax engine is really just a JavaScript object or function that is called whenever information needs to be requested from the server. Instead of the traditional model of providing a link to another resource (such as another web page), each link makes a call to the Ajax engine, which schedules and executes the request. The request is done asynchronously, meaning that code execution doesn’t wait for a response before continuing. The server—which traditionally would serve up HTML, images, CSS, or JavaScript—is configured to return data that the Ajax engine can use. This data can be plain text, XML, or any other data format that you may need. The only requirement is that the Ajax engine can understand and interpret the data When the Ajax engine receives the server response, it goes into action, often parsing the data and making several changes to the user interface based on the information it was provided. Because this process involves transferring less information than the traditional web application model, user interface updates are faster, and the user is able to do his or her work more quickly.